the art of gratitude

Here is a practice of gratitude routine I learned which helped me feel connected and grounded with the way life unfolds.

The best time for this practice is in the morning when our energy is clear or in the evening, after our day is over and we would like the stress to melt away.

Take 3 deep breaths and release all the thoughts that weigh you down.  Then, think of that one person who despite all challenges, has been there for you… helping you see the light of hope, even in the darkest times. Yourself.

Next, close your eyes and recall how you have been able to overcome all difficulties and still continue living life.

Just imagine how different your life would have been, if you did not have these experiences to share. Who would you be?

What if that one person who has always supported you wasn’t there? That one person who shared the manifestations of your life. Recall all the strength you found within you, that this person helped you see.

Reflect on how far you have come. Appreciate that no matter how tough life got, life also sent you this person to share your journey with.

Thank them for being positive in your life, for showing up, and thank yourself for being open to experiences in life. Make sure that you express, and they know how much their presence held value to your journey. Ofcourse, they know… but life is too short to be taken for granted.

Send them your heartiest vibes, and surely they will have a good day!


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